Monday, May 13, 2013


I’m so exciting to announce that I just add Hello Kitty to my paper line

Hello Kitty Phrase Paper Sheet, Sandy Lion, Sheet Size 12"x12"Good Times Are For Sharing With Friends, To Have A Friend, You Must Be A Friend, Hearts And Flowers Brighten My Day Acid and Lignin Free, I have more to chose from click here

What are you waiting for?  Buy now just click the button TODAY Only .99 cent

Sunday, May 12, 2013


A perfect family is what we all wish for. We see people that have families that are much different than ours. As experience their unique culture, we wish we had a family like them. But really, having a perfect family isn’t possible. We all will have problems and accomplishments that make us unique from every other family in the whole wide world. So, think hard about how different your family is. Appreciate that you have a family and never alone because they help us through tough times. It is never foolish to wish for a perfect family but is foolish to abandon your special family.

Grandma's Recipe for a Loving Family
4 cups of love
2 cups of loyalty
3 cups of forgiveness
1 cup of friendship
5 tablespoons of hope
2 tablespoons of tenderness
4 quarts of faith
1 barrel of laughter

Take love and loyalty, mix it thoroughly with faith.
Blend it with tenderness, kindness and understanding.
Add friendship and hope.
Sprinkle abundantly with laughter.
Bake it in sunshine.
Serve daily with generous helpings.
Serves one entire home forever.